All prices in NZ dollars and include GST unless otherwise stated
Pressure Compensating Take Apart Dripper
Pressure Compensating Dripper With Self Cleaning Function
Small Punch 3 mm
Adjustable Online Dripper 0 - 100 L/H
Arrow Dripper Bent Pressure Compensating - 4 Branch SPECIAL PRICE
Adjustable On-Line Dripper 0 - 70 L/H
Adjustable Dripper On Stake With Fittings
Pressure Compensating Dripper
Plug With Hook End 17DN
Take Apart Dripper
Arrow Dripper Bent Pressure Compensating - 2 Branch
Joiner 17DN
Arrow Dripper Bent - 4 Branch SPECIAL PRICE
Elbow Connector 17DN
Coupling Male Threaded 17DN x 20 mm (3/4")
Arrow Dripper Bent - 2 Branch
Take off Joiner DN17 - 6 mm Barb
Arrow Dripper Bent - 1 Branch
50 m Dripper Kit
Arrow Dripper Bent - Bare
Lock Tee 17DN
Sleeve End 17DN
Take Off Joiner With Grommet 17DN
Arrow Dripper Straight - 1 Branch
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